Personal accounts of dreams and waking events involving Spirits,
UFOs, Aliens, Disembodied Voices, Phantom Sounds, Being Touched and More!


December 24, 2009



[NOTE:..Realness Factor (RF) refers to how realistic or vivid the dream action felt and a high level of emotion and sensory elements involved. Highest rating is normally 10. Ratings higher than 9.9 suggest the "dream" was felt to be actual events taking place on some physical, astral or spiritual level.]

Sunday, September 27, 2009
4:30 PM
RF# 10.....(Participating)

SUMMARY:..I'm flying in the air over clouds.

Laid down to continue sleeping after 1 PM. Earplugs in. No particular thoughts before falling asleep, just tired.

Parts forgotten. I don't remember how this dream started, but it's daytime, and I have some type of upright wooden scooter (think of a lemonade stand that's about two feet wide and seven feet high) that has the ability to take flight. I standing before a driveway where I have backed up the machine about a foot and a half (18 inches) into a driveway while trying to get the machine to roll forward along the sidewalk. This is the only way I can think to make the machine can gain enough momentum to ascend. I'm facing the driveway and see a man to my left. I ask him something, probably for help, but I think he said he wasn't familiar with my machine. At that point I maneuver it to my right and back onto the sidewalk.

Now I have the machine in the direction I want to go[1]. I step up onto its platform and grasp the thin slats on either side of me, somehow getting the device to roll forward until it gains momentum. There are people ahead on the sidewalk but they are not in jeopardy for I am soon rising straight up into the air above them, much to my delight. I quickly rise higher into the air. I feel the acceleration of moving forward as I rise over the road then above the power lines. I grasp the vertical rails of the machine (I think there's one in front of me I use to try and control the speed) because I realize I'm rising higher than I expected and attempt to control the machine (via thought?) so it won't rise too much. I approach an expanse of plump rounded clouds alongside me to my left that stretch ahead above me left and right like a fluffy blanket with holes that reveal a dark blue sky. The machine rises through a central opening between the clouds until I am over them. I get an awe-inspiring view of pale sherbet orange and cream clouds now below me. In between the gaps of clouds, I can see the road and sidewalk (center right) is far below. The speed of the machine has leveled out and I no longer continue to rise but continue forward at a swift speed, continuing forward for a few minutes then I awake. It was exhilarating. Wow!


At this point I'm on the sidewalk and facing North. My back is to the dream screen, the road is to my right, the driveway is behind to the left and the man is a couple feet behind me.

Due to the vivid colors, realness of the environment, and participation of my thoughts and ability to feel the movement, I strongly feel this dream is a memory of an actual Astral Projection event.

Copyright..Rene Isaiah / Penny Manning..2009


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