Personal accounts of dreams and waking events involving Spirits,
UFOs, Aliens, Disembodied Voices, Phantom Sounds, Being Touched and More!


May 12, 2012


SUMMARY: I'm being trained to detect those who will die.

It's daytime and I think it had been raining.


November 13, 2008--b
1:19 PM
RF: 9 (all Segs)

PARTICIPATING. I've forgotten a lot but what I remember is that I'm in the company of a man who is high up in the Hitler / Nazi regime. He is very boisterous, dangerous, and emotionally volatile. It appears that we are standing (dream screen left) outside on a sidewalk. He is to my left and it seems that he is training me to detect people who are next to be killed. We seem to be searching for someone. Behind me on the left is a line of people. I don't know how far back the line goes, but I sense it has a lot of people on it. And there's a strong feeling of fear; I think their lives are in jeopardy because of this man.

PARTICIPATING. It's my turn to practice testing the men. A few men are somehow brought before us, and we check the center of their back for something that reveals whether they are against Hitler and, thus, doomed to die. I could be wrong about that assessment.

The last man[1] (clearly remembered) stops before us. He is white with a slight red hue to his skin and is about 6 feet 3 inches tall with an average muscular build. I take place bright green lettuce leaves[2] (left hand)-- that look as if they'd been molded around a cup--and place one (open side facing him) against the center of his back so it's flat. The point of this is to either test him for his loyalty, to detect his disloyalty.

When I withdraw the leaves, I know that he is one who will die. The man has a shocked look on his face as if he realizes that he is found out and will be killed. I'm not sure what, if anything, I say to my superior, but the man runs off in a panic along the road near curbside, yelling [though I don't seem to hear him] as he tries to escape. I run after him.

But he isn't killed or stopped. I look up, surprised, at my supervisor, wondering why he's letting the man escape when he knows from the test that the man is to die.

PARTICIPATING. I walk away to the left around a sort of corner of a building to inspect a pile of rubbage[3]. A man approaches me (from the left, I think). He's an investigator, and I'm his partner. There is an urgency about finding something. We look around. I don't remember if we found anything, but there is an atmosphere of time being important. My partner keeps saying "We have to hurry before 'he' finds out what's going on." The 'he' feels to be either Hitler or one of Hitler's henchmen.

Parts forgotten. Now there's a grey limo with a limo driver standing to the right of the back of the car. I'm standing center back and the trunk is open. I don't remember the contents or color of it. The limo driver closes the trunk and the tip of a plastic food bag is sticking out the center left of the door. I say to him, "A bag is sticking out," and he replies something I forgot. With my left index finger, I scoop the hand in between the groove of the door seam, satisfied that it is hidden [Note: I assume I meant that I hid the bag. Sounds more like I hid the hand of a body that was in the trunk.]

PARTICIPATING. Next, the investigator says we have to be going. I enter the limo on the left side. (Car doesn't seem so big) There are now six of us, and the limo has three rows of seats--I choose the center row. I know the car can fit six (two per row?) and I worry that all of us may not fit inside. I see a black contraption similar to handcuffs on the floor behind the center left seat. I take a seat inside then another man (the investigator?) sits.


Saturday, May 12, 2012
4:17 PM

The dream did not make clear what ethnicity the people on line were. However, there is an allusion to them being Jewish, Polish Jews, etc.


Caucasian with a slight red hue to his skin; about 6 feet 3 inches with normal muscular build. He stops with his face rightward and right side before us.

held in left hand, looks as if they've been molded around a short, small cup, and are bright green with the sides of the leaves about three inches high and the bottom about 4 inches in diameter

Light green bottles are remembered mostly.


NAZIS/HITLER: something seen as a controlling, deadly regime in my life. [Like my job, hahaha. Interesting note (maybe) I worked for Orthodox Jews at the time of the dream. 05-12-2012].

ESCAPE: that which I am desperate to escape. [probably the low work pay but definitely the constant noisy apartment living. It was murder to the spirit.]

MEN ON LINE: waiting; a process of time; time spent waiting. Waiting without knowing when it will end.

GRAY/GREY: ill health and/or thoughts

GREEN: healing


BACK/SPINE: kundalini. The spinal cord or spinal column. Regarding whatever chakras governs or affect the back.

RUBBAGE/GARBAGE: accumulation of useless matter. Thoughts, actions, or events. Spiritual, mental, or emotional sorting out that's needed or that's been done over the years. What I think about something or the state of something. What is the rubbage/garbage I'm rummaging through in my life? Or need to?

PICKING WHO WILL DIE: deciding which aspects of self (no longer needed or wanted) to dispense with

LAST UPDATED: May 12, 2012

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