Personal accounts of dreams and waking events involving Spirits,
UFOs, Aliens, Disembodied Voices, Phantom Sounds, Being Touched and More!


March 30, 2011




Over the past twenty years I've had waking and sleep events where something unseen has touched parts of my body. I've felt something heavy laying on my back if I'm on my stomach, and on two successive occasions, the culprit appeared to be a female spirit about ten years old. I've been awakened to the sensation of being touched on the arm, and on one such night I saw a vivid dream image of a tall woman in a white flowing gown bend over and touch near my wrist. That caused me to awake startled, the sensation could still be felt.

RF# refers to Realness Factor which denotes how realistic a dream or dream event felt at the time it was experienced--10 highest number.

Friday, August 26, 2005--b
7:51 PM
RF 9.0

Laid down for a nap at about 6:30 PM and fell asleep right away.

Feel something on top of me; dreamed neighbor's son tries to rape me.

I feel a pressure on top of me—that old familiar feeling that's a cross between being awake and dreaming. This time I have a more distinct "awake" feeling, but once I noticed something was on my back, my awareness quickly slipped into a dream state where I had the following dream:

PARTICIPATING. Parts forgotten. I'm lying down on a bed in a dark room and feel someone on top of me [1]. I look up and see faint light filtering in from the hall. Walking toward me is a man, (and at first I think there is a 2nd man with him, but it turns out to be my next door neighbor—that evile b*tch.)

The man grabs me (from behind?), and I know he plans to rape me. I'm desperate to get away and struggle with him, twisting my body so that I can get loose. At some point I see my neighbor from behind[2] on my right, walking slowly from left to right just within arms reach, her arms behind her back. She's letting her son try to rape me. My hands seem tied or held somehow.

I fall to the floor, taking the creep with me—he's to my right and doubled over, head bent to the floor. I keep adjusting my position so I can bust his head onto the floor. I miss about twice but succeed a couple times. He's knocked out, and I manage to get free. I run through the apartment to the entrance door and pull at it, but there's a single tarnished bolt[3] on the lower edge of the door. I slide it back quickly almost not touching it.

At some point I begin crying rape—perhaps as I run out the door into the building hallway[4]. I look at the long, metal staircase with its right banister missing (broken off). I know it happened from a recent move of furniture that crashed into the railing. Anyway, I'm desperate to escape, so I gather courage and leap down the entire staircase[5], then run along the brief hall and pounce down the entire length of the 2nd staircase.

I run out the apt. building door (closed?) and turn leftward in a fast run—running as fast as I can—crossing the street diagonally while crying rape at the top of my lungs. I feel like I'm not moving fast enough. I take a look back over my shoulder and see the man[6] coming out of the building and looking to his left down the block at me. I'm still running because I'm so afraid this person will catch up to me. He sets off after me. I know there's a police station nearby, and I frantically search for signs of where it is nestled among the other buildings to my right. I run up to a female officer[7], pointing to the man and yelling that he tried to rape me. The man is arrested.


[1]..I don't have a bed in reality and have not slept in my bedroom. Also the dream bedroom and hall looks like that of my old apartment. Not sure whether at the start of dream I see someone in the room first and THEN I'm grabbed or someone already has a hold of me, and I see the evile one enter the room.

[2]..her gray and white hair looks like it has a blue rinse in it and she has it in a bun at the back of her head near the top.

[3]..on the lower center of the left edge of the door; one of those old-fashioned slide locks

[4]..the staircase, building hall, and building door is definitely my childhood home

[5]..this jumping part has a 'flying dream' feel to it

[6]..I clearly see that he is wearing a black and white horizontal-striped polo type shirt (broad stripes)

[7]..[Edit (March 30, 2011): There is a part missing. I ran into a building where there were a group of police officers. I felt the woman would be more quick to act and thus I approached her. I remember looking through the dirty windows of the building, looking out for him as I explained what was wrong.

I'm surprised I never included this information: First off, the dream was extremely realistic and was teeming with emotion, mainly fear. I think that was evident. I found it interesting that the dream took place in two locations where I'd spent the bulk of my 40+ years: my childhood home of about 12 years and my former apt. of 20 years. Why those two location were used may have to do with setting the stage and utilizing past scenes that would likely spur me into action.

At the time of the dream I had been in my apt. about a year, but kept getting the feeling that someone had been in my apt. while I was gone. Then came two dreams within two weeks of each other. The theme of the dreams was that I had come home to my current apt. and was attacked by an unknown man who was lurking inside. Then came the rape dream with all its fear-intense reality. I called the management office and spoke to the receptionist at that time and explained about the rape dream and the feeling that someone had been coming into the apt. She spoke to the Site Manager but it wasn't until I told her that I'd had three dreams of being attacked in the apt. that they sent the maintenance technician within the hour to change the locks. He pointed out to me that the locks on the door had not actually been changed!—they had merely put new fittings but the lock cylinder was the same one the previous tenant had. So it is likely that my evile neighbor had the key because she used to help the old man that lived there (as I understand it).

Who knows what the evile b*tch may have been up to or that of someone in her apt? I don't put nothing past anyone.

I'm not sure why my old apt. was used as the first half of the setting. Maybe because in real life there's no bed in my current apt. but there was one in the old place. Or maybe they didn't want to freak me out so much that I couldn't feel safe in my current home.

However, use of my childhood home hallway was VERY interesting because it exactly mimicked a situation that actually happened when I was 14 or so: My grandmother was yelling and hollering at me and she was calling me into the kitchen to whup my butt, but I was afraid and, really, just plain fed up with her rages and the safety of my behind. I was standing at the door and bolted. I damn near flew down those metal stairs (no broken banisters)—and, yes, there were two long flights of them. I must have took those stairs five at a's a wonder I didn't break my neck. I tore out that building, crossed the street, and flew down the steep hills of Paterson, NJ as fast as my long legs could manage and did not stop until two blocks were covered. I certainly did look over my shoulder to see if I saw her but don't think I did. The part that differed was that in reality I went down the hill, but in the dream I crossed the road twice and stayed on my block. What also differed were the buildings—there was no police station but we did have a fire station at the end of that block.

I guess the point of using that fearful moment (by the mind or my Angels?) was to spur me into action regarding the lock. I had suspicions and someone played on them. Maybe the time of the "rape" was near at hand.

Life can be interesting. About three years later, with further evidence of the apt. being accessed while I was at work, I had management change the lock again, but it was poorly installed, and I had to prove it to the new Property Manager by effortlessly kicking open the door while it was locked. When she returned later to inspect the latest lock, my evile neighbor's son just had to come out to see what was going on. The action wasn't lost on the PM...she didn't say anything but I saw on her face her distrust. Sooooo guess who the young man was? The rapist in the dream! And I've begged management three times to let me change my apartment, but they won't unless I have a medical reason or need a smaller or larger apt. Thus proves the theory that you can't always pick your neighbors.


Anais Anais said...

One possibility: it seems we all women fear rape and this shows in our lucid dreams. It also could be that you were sensing the evil thoughts of the neighbor, so be careful.

12:40 AM, June 07, 2009

LAST UPDATED:.. March 30, 2011...(Interpretation added)

1 comment:

Penny said...

Hi, Skybirdblank!

Thank you for taking the time to drop a few letters. I just checked out your blog. Love yesterday's post about the text and H-13--how interesting! Thank you for following, and I'll be checking out your past posts. Love to meet fellow dreamers out there....Bye!

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