NOTE: Where earplugs are referred to, the decibel levels are from 29 to 33 (strictly 32 & 33 decibels after 2006 and 33 exclusively after 2009) which is sufficient enough to drown out most sound.
For me, the most annoying sound after the alarm clock and door buzzer, is the doorbell. It makes my heart race, and I fill with dread. Not sure why. So imagine being asleep then awakened by (or awakening to) a doorbell that you know isn't a physical one. That is, unless the door has somehow transported itself to another room and is hovering in the air!
--------------PHANTOM DOORBELLS-------------
Odor Then a Doorbell Ring
Wednesday, September 3, 2003-d
7:03 PM
The doorbell rings, but no one is there.
I was in bed and had recently awakened from a UFO-related dream concerning some articles to be read about an alien named (?). I was undecided about whether to get up or go back to sleep.
I tossed and turned then smelt this sweet smell. Don't know where it came from. A few minutes later, I heard a solitary doorbell, very clear. It woke me (guess I fell asleep), and I quickly rose and headed to the apartment entrance door (some 20 feet away), stopping only to put on my glasses. My daughter is at work, and I thought maybe she had forgotten her keys. When I got to the door, I asked "Who is it?" but no one was there, nor in the hall. I didn't hear the elevator (which had been running last I knew), didn't hear either stairwell door, nor the closing of any of my neighbors' doors.
It is conceivable, however, that a physical being was at the door and had given up and left. After all, it is a long enough walk from the back of the apt. to the front door. It takes a slightly longer time for a person to walk from the door and beat me to the elevator, but I usually would hear the ding-ding of the elevator arriving.
Well, it's not the first time I've heard this clear bell sound and found no one at the door. This type of ringing doorbell is always heard once, loud and clear. Interesting thing is that the doorbell isn't normally heard nearly as clear when I have my bedroom door closed—which is all the time—and it would have to be rung several times in a row to be heard at all. On the other hand, I could hear the downstairs buzzer with my bedroom door closed, but this is an entirely different sound—an unpleasant, loud blare that makes one's heart lurch in fear and make you race to the door (or cower anxiously because you don't want to be bothered). If I'm asleep visitors would have to ring my apt. door 3 or 4 times in quick succession to elicit the same response.
My theory is that the ring was caused by an alien, angel or spirit visitation—their way of saying "hello" and/or "Get up". So I'm up. Now what?
Phantom Doorbell Rings
December 9, 10, 12, 21/22, 23 & 24, 2003
AM or PM
Ringing sounds occur on the days listed above.
Single or double doorbell rings heard during the morning or evening. Two of the rings elicited a color image: light caramel color and light brown. All of the rings occurred in the bedroom either after I had just lain down for a nap or woke me. They were heard either near my head to my left or some distance away (near the fire escape and high in the air). The journal doesn't mention whether earplugs were worn at the time.
Interesting to note that between the 17th to the 23rd, I felt something touch my body (legs) or clothes. I recorded that the occurrences were suspicious. No kidding.
I hear a doorbell at night, and so has my fiance, it wakes us up. There is no doorbell and it is too loud to be coming from the neighbour.
Hmmm . . . that's interesting. You have both heard this sound. Have you heard it at the same time? And how often do you hear it?
I don't hear the doorbell anymore...which is fine with me...I hate the sound of a doorbell. In fact, I had thought the clairaudient sounds had come to a crawl until last week. In a space of a few hours, I had about 6 clairaudient events, including hearing my name called twice and a double beep.
Thank you for sharing! Come again!
I have heard a doorbell ring once at least 3 xs in the past couple years, I'm always half asleep but hear it so clearly, its always early morning. I think sylvia browne would know what it was....
Hi, WhiteCheddar!
Hmmm...Amazing how those doorbells sound so clear, eh? They've even woke me out of a seemingly sound sleep. Very annoying though. I despise the sound of a doorbell.
Strange thing for me is that the doorbell rings began after I had had a strange encounter in my apt. and I was annoyed and said "The next time you want to pay me a visit, how about a warning? Ring my doorbell to let me know you're here." And Lo and Behold, not but a few weeks later, came the first doorbell ring. I rushed to the door and no one was there, no sound of footsteps walking or running away, no elevator ding-dinging in the distance, the nearby stairwell door didn't slam shut... So was it kiddies? Naughty neighbors? Or a spirit?
I guess the physical doorbell ringing didn't work too well. I wasn't entirely convinced it was a spirit at work. Someone merely could have beat me to the end of the outside hall and were gone by the time I got to the door (It was an 8 foot long hall). The physical ringing ceased and the clairaudient doorbell rings began. They were heard in the bedroom in mid air. The doorbell rings were soon abandoned and in their stead came bell rings, beeps and tones and much later, musical notes. Nowadays, only a tone or two.
Bottom line, I guess someone took me up on the visit offer. Ha!
Thank you for your reply. Do come again; you're welcome to share more of your experiences.
I began having this "experience" a couple of months ago. I have been with my boyfriend asleep in bed, and got up to answer the door... however he has not heard the doorbell ring. It has now happened 5 or 6 times... and I have convinced myself it is a dream, but WHAT does it mean? I also recently found out I was pregnant and thought that may have had something to do with it? IDK, I just know it drives me crazy!
Hi Dazed! I think the doorbell rings are from those in the spirit who are trying to get our attention and let us know they are nearby. It could be that someone you knew who is deceased or alive but in the astral plane wanted to let you know something special was in the works. It would be interesting to know how long before or after you found out about the pregnancy that the doorbell rings began.
Thus, it could be that the doorbell rings and the new soul within you are related events. It's sort of like the phantom doorbell is a spirit harking the new arrival which is essentially a long term visitor to the world. Thank you for sharing! And Congratulations!
Hello. I see I'm finding this post years after it was written, but I hope you might respond. I've heard a doorbell several times, my husband doesn't hear it. Last night an alarm clock of my daughter's went off. It hasn't been set in weeks and hasn't gone off even though it's been in my room. I just laid in bed and waited for it to stop. Then, after falling back asleep, I heard our doorbell ring. It was loud and clear - ding song! - just before 7 am. I even went to the door, but there was no one there. My husband wasn't here for these events. What could they mean?
Hi, Jenee,
Thank you for visiting my blog! I feel that the unexpected ringing of your clock is due to spirit activity. Could be that a loved one or your Guardian Angel/Spiritual Guide is trying to get your attention. Likewise, the doorbell rings may also be spirits letting you know they are nearby.
BTW, Jenee, I had two experiences with an alarm clock that did not ring when it was supposed to. Here is a link to an account I posted on my Soul Experiences blog:
Bye, All!
In the past few months I've been waken up by the doorbell. I go to get out of bed then notice that the dogs are not barking, but they are awake walking about. My son passed away 13 years ago on 26th Nov 2002 he was only 14 he died from Leukaemia. My husband has heard the doorbell once, but about 3 times a week around about 4 am I get woken up by the doorbell.
Hi, Cheryl! I think the doorbell rings are Spirit or our Angels letting us know they are present. Do you feel that the doorbell rings are your son saying hello . . . trying to communicate? Could be him or someone you know.
I am starting to think im crazy?? I have heard a doorbell ring late at night ALOT! Just one ring.enough to wake me & nothing?? This has been happening quite sometime & is driving me crazy.Is their any solution?? I even unplugged the doorbell & It rang?? im at a lost.please help me
I dont think its a spirit as I just lost my MOM & this has happened when she was still alive.Going Bonkers here & I need a peaceful sleep
Hi, Susan. Sorry, I don't get a chance to log on very often. Are you still hearing the phantom doorbells? I know you said you didn't think the sound was created by a spirit, but I think it may have been your mom trying to let you know she is still with you. She has passed over, yes, but that doesn't mean she can't visit you and try to communicate. Other than that I'd say it is a doorbell malfunction except that you said you had unwired it, no? Hope all is well and you have found peaceful sleep at last . . . Penny
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