Personal accounts of dreams and waking events involving Spirits,
UFOs, Aliens, Disembodied Voices, Phantom Sounds, Being Touched and More!


January 16, 2010


There are many things I find disconcerting about sleep time. One of them is the sensation of someone lying down next to you in bed. Urrgh! If you've ever experienced that little treat, you'll understand why bedtime or taking a nap isn't always one of my favorite moments of the day. Still, I take strange occurrences like that in remarkable stride. God, I must be used to it or too tired to give a darn.

Below are a few accounts I found. Please Note that these visitations can happen while you're lying or sitting on a couch or on the floor.

Related topics include Someone Lying On Me or Being Laid On.




Saturday, March 19, 2005a
CR #:..Friday, May 18, 2005
circa 6:00 PM
RF# 10

SUMMARY:..I feel someone lay down next to me.

Wrote an account about hearing a radio-like voice that said hello to me.

Shortly after writing the above cross-referenced event account, I prepared for sleep.

I was lying on my stomach[1], and felt on my left a change in the air—a pop or shift of air pressure. I then have the distinct feeling of someone lying down beside me very close as if facing me.

I try to envision the white light of protection around me then pray to my Guardian Angel for protection. Still I felt the presence, especially near my face. I must have drifted off to sleep shortly after.


with my head resting on my right arm, head facing leftward

FINAL WORDS:...(September 15, 2009...3:56 AM)
A common experience in both my old and current apartment, except for the last year. Knock on wood.




Wednesday, April 22, 1992a

SUMMARY:..Someone lays next to me.

Immediately prior to this dream, I had dreamed of picking out undershirts or tee shirts[1] for my husband[2].

The left side of bed is positioned against the fire escape window wall with the foot of the bed near the window. I'm lying on my stomach on the right side of the bed. The bedroom door is open and the hallway light is on.

Dreamed that there was a police narcotics raid. I'm lying in bed[3] and some men (agents)[4] came into my bedroom from the apartment hallway. They walked alongside the long wall (that separates my bedroom from my neighbor's) and were able to gain access to my neighbor's apt. and search it. I felt like a child as they quietly went about their business. I did not have drugs and felt they knew that.

Having finished his job, one of the agents[5] entered my bedroom from the hallway and walked along the long wall to the adjoining fire escape window wall. He got in bed from the left (remember, that side is AGAINST the wall) and quietly lay beside me. I could tell he was tired, and I was either disappointed that he did not embrace me or that he did not acknowledge that I was even there. A sheer lack of friendliness.

Then in the dream I heard a piercing sound that cut on and off, but I did not want to get up and stop it. I woke up (a smooth transition) to find the sound was my TV[6].

FINAL WORDS:...(January 13, 1996)
As I now remember it, some of the agents entered the apt. next door through my bedroom's long wall. I can't believe I made no mention of it in the original account!


the colors of the shirts were charcoal gray, light pink, white and black. The gray shirt seemed to be a button front.

in reality I don't have a husband

bed in same position and my body basically in the same position as waking state.

they wore light color tops and pants

a white man

a sound I'm familiar with




Saturday, November 8, 2003c
8:46 AM
RF# 10

EVENT SUMMARY: ..Someone lays next to me.

Had some interesting dreams all morning but they're unremembered.

I'm viewing this event as a participator—as if it is really happening. Sunlight is in the room. I'm lying on the bed on my right side (don't sleep on that side too often).

My eyes are closed, but I can still see images. One of them is of a tall person who seems to be the same woman from the dream just prior to this event (See sibling account below). I can hear them walking towards the bed as if they have on socks or slippers. They come from the closet area and walk from the foot of the bed to the side where I'm lying. They are now on my right, and I soon feel someone climb onto the bed next to me very intimately close and sigh briefly. They are as close as a (leather) glove on a hand. In my mind's eye they are seen as an elongated black mass that matches my length from head to toe and extending width-wise some seven inches. They are felt to extend an inch or so over my left side. I feel paralyzed and struggle to free myself, not knowing what is near me. I try elbowing it to free it from me. After a few tries I succeed then promptly "awaken".

No fear felt upon awakening. I looked to see what time it was—8:46 exactly[1]. I said to myself (at that time) that I hoped it wasn't a guide or Guardian Angel because I may have chased it away. I returned to sleep but nothing else happened.

FINAL WORDS:..... (Wednesday, December 16, 2009...8:09 AM)
As is the case with a lot of these events, it is difficult to say if the event is a dream or an actual event. These events start out in either a waking state then seem to slip into an in-between or astral type state where I am wholly aware of what's going on then awake as if I had been asleep the entire time OR I'm already in a heightened awareness like an astral state then awaken.


[1]..8+4+6= 18 which equals 9


DREAM TOPIC:..N/A—Sibling Account


Saturday, November 8, 2003b
prior to 8:46 AM

This dream preceded the Dark Visitors account. Parts forgotten.

Dreamed I was standing in the kitchen of my apt. I'm using a teal blue sponge[1] to wipe up soap that's on the counter[2] where the sink is. I'm annoyed that the woman[3] standing on the other side of the counter[1] isn't assisting me very much with (keeping the house clean?), and I'm fed up.


In reality the sponge is pink and there's a wall where the lady was standing in the dream. On the opposite wall is my daughter's room.
the center left side

She is tall, appears to be white, is wearing light? colors, and seems to be a relative, maybe my mother or daughter.





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