Personal accounts of dreams and waking events involving Spirits,
UFOs, Aliens, Disembodied Voices, Phantom Sounds, Being Touched and More!


February 17, 2012




SUMMARY: I'm a white male reporter in Africa.



Sunday, January 1, 1989--a
RF# 8

PARTICIPATING. I had a dream early this morning about being a man who saw an uprising. It was not quite a war, but as I was passing by I stopped and watched, curious as to what was going on.

I'm standing on a dirt road where a large, oil barrel has been placed in the center of the road as a barricade, its contents set on fire. In the far distance off the right side of this road is a large crowd of brown-skinned people I identify as being Africans. They are shouting in protest, and there is pushing, shoving, high emotions, and heightening fervor. On the left side it is peaceful. I'm a little unnerved because I am an outsider, but it's more than my being white, but rather that I am a non-African.

About 20 feet away to my immediate left is a tall fence that encircles a white, one-story house with a veranda in front.

Either there's a jump in the dream or I forgot a part:

I have walked to my left and now stand about three feet past the fencing which is well inside the property on a neat, green lawn. I have no idea why I trespassed. Perhaps I wasn't paying attention.

Standing on the center of the veranda are two people: On the left is a white female and to her left (my right) is a tall, handsome white man armed with a rifle or shotgun--a long barrel. He shouts at me to get the f*ck off his property, then he threatens to kill me. I am very convinced that he will, especially since the gun is aimed at me. He wants to shoot me instantly, but I am spared because the woman pleads with him to spare my life. The man comes across violently and really frightens me.

Somehow I know I wasn't bad-looking and had curly hair (I believe), was in my late 20's or mid 30's. The man and woman are in a similar age bracket as I am. He was tall and muscular, and she was slender and soft spoken. Upon awakening I had a strong feeling that I'd known this lady many times before—sort of a kinship. I feel I have had this dream at least once before. I believe I was shot by this man in the previous dream, or he had shot someone else.

If life after death (reincarnation) is a reality, I am almost certain that this lady and I have spent other lifetimes together, perhaps by choice. And if so, who is she now? Is she male or female?


Sunday, July 8, 2001
[Edited: Saturday, November 6, 2010]

You know, I do this every now and then.  I know who the two dream companions are but did not make mention of it till now.  I'm not certain how long after the dream that I realized that the man was my waking life father and that the woman is my stepmother, Tee. My father, who is now deceased, had the same fierce temper and love of guns as the man in the dream. Tee is just as reasonable in reality as in the dream. Why she puts up with him life after life I don't understand.


Sunday, July 8, 2001

Other than physical descriptions, I gave few details, so let me give more. I'm not sure what year it was but it seemed 20th century at least. It was daytime, likely Spring or Summer, the ground is mostly dirt—brown, uneven and dry, as if construction was being done. When I first saw the people, I was walking toward the left and approaching a sort of barricade on my right side and the Africans were on the far right—sort of down and across the road a ways. Some yards ahead of them (between me and them) were a type of police force (center of dream screen).

I was in awe of the situation but afraid that they'd come after me. I walked on to the left, passing the barricade (now out of viewing range). Some distance away I entered an area where there was tall, weedy grass then a clearing leading to a fence where a white man and woman stood behind it. The woman is on the left and he is to the right. I think he was wearing a short-sleeved or sleeveless white shirt (possibly no shirt at all). She had long hair, perhaps blonde and curly or dark and curly. It soon became apparent that my presence was an intrusion to the man. I was a reporter, and my job was to report on what was causing the rioting there.


I believe this dream is showing fragments of a past life, the main reason being to reveal that I've had interaction with my father and stepmother in previous lifetimes.

LAST UPDATED: February 17, 2012

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