Personal accounts of dreams and waking events involving Spirits,
UFOs, Aliens, Disembodied Voices, Phantom Sounds, Being Touched and More!


April 18, 2016


Hello! Haven't posted in quite a while. Below is a long summary of recent events in my apartment livingroom. This was originally posted at Missionquest Forum @ YUKU on Wednesday, March 16, 2016 .


Below is a brief rundown of events in my livingroom, thus far, while in the so-called "dream state" which I suspect are actually occurring on an astral level or plane thus far. All of these events occur at bedtime, usually within an hour or two of falling asleep day or night:

First, there was "real-feeling" sensation of my blanket (which was over my head) being lifted.

Second, a few days later something lays on my back and gropes my boobs. I reach back, grab an arm and bite the elbow of it as the being--which turns out to be a male shadow being wearing a fedora-style hat--scurries off the top of me and runs away. I thought this being was actually a guy I had met because he was skinny and tall like the shadow being.

Third, possibly the same being (not seen) returns a day or so later and, fed up, I confront it, telling it that I am stronger than it; I call on the support of the Divine Father and His Angels. A pale blue "veil of light" surrounds me or is over my face.

Fourth, about three or four weeks later, during the day, I have a mild ache in my lower back. That night or early morning, I "awake" in the "dream state" where something is on my lower back, giving me a deep back massage that I feel and shamelessly enjoy. A reflection in the face of my alarm clock reveals the "something" is a shadow being. The being pushes my head back down and continues the massage. No malevolence sensed; I did not appear to be afraid.

Fifth, two days later at night, yet another encounter. This time a pale blue "veil of light" is over/in front of my face. I feel it is the same being who gave me the massage. Upon asking it to reveal itself, the "veil" is slowly lowered half-way and what is revealed is a 4-5 foot, somewhat slender shadow being with a rounded head and vertical oval-shaped eyes made of light/pale yellow and white light. When I mentally try to decide if it is a demon?--I think to myself, "don't demons have red eyes?"--the being projects a big lime green smiley-face-type smile onto its "face". This being did not have a human form, no apparent form, just an oblong shape rounded at the top. It stood still at the foot of the couch. I felt no malevolence or fear--which is why I questioned whether it was a demon or not. When I woke up, the ache in my back was gone for the entire morning (until I did some cleaning work that hours later and it started hurting again).

Soooo, I read Pen's response and that eased my fears a bit. Next, I call my stepmother who has seen spirits on occasion and has had ET baby dreams, etc. Unfortunately (for me) she has gone all Christian in her aging years and now I cannot get an open-minded opinion of what is going on with these shadow dreams. She did say this at first: That some beings who seem to be of the dark may be of the light. Then she said I had to determine if the beings are of the dark or of the light, A few minutes later she said something more Christian, something about if a spirit isn't made of the light then it's of the dark. I told her she was contradicting herself (from the first statement). Anyway, I'm still totally confused.

If the beings are dark, does that mean they are evil or have negative or harmful intentions? Obviously, groping boobs isn't a positive attribute, right? I appear to be visited by different beings who appear to be shadow people of some sort.


Sixth, yesterday at 7:24 AM, I awake from a dream--doesn't feel to be the astral state at all--where there feels to be an impending event already in motion.



DATEWednesday, March 16, 2016
CODE:  2016--03-16-WE
TIME:  7:24 AM


Segment 1

I have a new room that I'm proud of. It's unfurnished but it's mine due to my own hard work and effort. [The room has a spiritual connotation that I am vaguely aware of upon awakening].

Segment 2

It's daytime but nearly evening with just a little light remaining in the sky (a pale dusky blue and overcast). I'm seated to a table in a nearly dim livingroom with a woman. She says, "I see a spectre." I look up at her and she is staring wide-eyed out one of the windows that are across from us. I look out the window and see a shadowed brick chimney that has dark (shadow-like) smoke coming from it. The smoke is still like it is frozen in place. The shape of this smoke is odd, like a cross with rounded ends but shaped weird. I take that occurrence to be an omen but in the dream I'm not certain this is the spectre she was talking about.

A few moments later, there are several "birds" that are made of yellow and white light or flames--they have pointy flame-like appendages that fluctuate as they fly. There are at least thirty of them. All of them fly from far right to left some two stories above the road (but below rooftop level). A group of these birds veer (turn) off leftward (heading down a side street). I am sure this is a bad portend, a warning.

I get up and look out the window to the right. Across the road some three feet to the right, is a long line of United States Army men walking to the left (nearing center of dream screen) --advancing . . . approaching. I look down the line of servicemen and at the end of the line is a group of shadow beings with vertical,  pale yellow and white, oval-shaped eyes [same description as the one I saw at foot of bed days ago, only taller]. I see about 5 of them and feel there are more of them and that they, too, are an army that is being escorted by the U.S. In the dream I am certain that this is a war and that the U.S. Army and the shadow beings are in league together to overthrow the (American?) human population (not sure if this is nationwide or a select area).

At this realization, there is a feeling of urgency and fear. I tell the woman what I am seeing outside.

Segment 3

The woman and I gather everyone in our household--men, women and children--and in the building into a brightly lit hallway then take them upstairs to an okay lit, unfurnished room one story below my new room. I ask her why we aren't taking them to my room. I ask this because I feel my room is safer and will provide greater protection. We remain in the lower room, huddled and fearful of what will happen and how. I awake.

Either this dream portends a catastrophe yet to occur and/or this is a symbolic dream aimed at my own psyche and spiritual development.

Will have to interpret this all later. All comments are welcome.

Bye, everyone!

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