Personal accounts of dreams and waking events involving Spirits,
UFOs, Aliens, Disembodied Voices, Phantom Sounds, Being Touched and More!


April 18, 2016


After the glowing eyes visitation (mentioned in Part One/Dream Account) occurred, things calmed down a bit.

The Belgium terror attack occurred a short time later, and I feel THAT event was what the military/shadow people dream was portending. I could be wrong.

After the string of visitations, I prayed to the Divine Father about the events and asked for an Angel to remain at my bedside for my protection. I also had a long overdue prayer session with my favorite Archangel, Michael. I asked him to banish the spirits if it be Father's will.

About the second day after that prayer to Father and Michael, I could resist sleep no longer and went to sleep on the couch (my permanent bed). I read Psalm 23, The Lord's Prayer, and Beautitudes,  asked for Angelic protection, then fell off to sleep straight away. Within an hour I felt a presence and I looked over my left shoulder and told whatever was there to "Go away and leave me alone."

What I saw (in that state between awake and dreaming) was a humanoid male figure devoid of any color. It was translucent, clear. It was moving off the couch as if it was preparing to climb onto me or already had. It briefly sat at the edge of the couch then, as if shooed away, got up and walked away. I felt that the Angels had gotten him to leave, and I am soooo grateful.

Later that afternoon or the next day, I had a realistic dream where I saw a large array of colored sparkling lights (reds, yellows, orange). The grouping was low to the floor and easily seen as I lay on the couch. I knew the lights represented my Guardian Angels or the Angels that Father and/or Archangel Michael sent to help me. I thanked them as I still do.

But that was not the end of strange visitations. About a few days later or so, I went to sleep again and within an hour, I "dream" that there is a black, fat, eel-like creature lying next to my chest area. I don't remember feeling any malice from the being, but I went into self-preservation mode and just like I did with the male shadow being months ago, I started biting into this black thing. I felt my teeth sink into it--I felt a soft, light texture--, and I did so quite a few times as it squirmed and eventually left.

Since then, I've been sleeping quite peacefully and the apt. has retained its "no one there but me" atmosphere. I still feel a presence, and the light bulbs dim or flicker every once in a while.

I don't know what to make of the clear, gel-bodied being. But I wonder if it is still a shadow being. Is it possible that some shadow beings absorb the light they happen to be in? Do they turn dark in the absence of light but are translucent in the daylight?

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